Sussex Police hands out several behaviour orders to Crawley's prolific offenders

Damian O'Hare and Thierry Piron 

Police have handed out a number of behaviour orders to curb Crawley’s prolific offenders.

Since the start of the year, a total of nine Criminal Behaviour Orders (CBO) have been issued to persistent offenders across the town.

The orders mean that criminals have strict conditions they must adhere to, otherwise they face being put behind bars.

This can include not entering a certain premises, or being within a vicinity of an area.

Thierry Piron, 35, of no fixed address, was sentenced to 20 months’ imprisonment when he appeared before Lewes Crown Court on 22 August for an assault and a number of thefts across Crawley between April and August.

He was also issued a three-year CBO with conditions to not enter certain stores in Crawley and across West Sussex.

A recent example of a CBO being breached is Damien O’Hare, 48, of no fixed address who was recently sentenced to three years and three months’ imprisonment for a number of shoplifting offences in Crawley and breaching his two-year CBO.

This is just two of the nine offenders who have been handed CBOs this year, which combine a total of 24 years.

Chief Inspector Pauline Lane, District Commander for Crawley, said: “Our teams have worked really hard to make sure the community feel safe and to have peace of mind that persistent offenders will not reoffend when they finish their sentence.

“The orders are designed to reduce criminals’ offending as well as reducing the negative impact on residents.

“We will continue to ensure we support individuals, victims and the community.

“Other antisocial behaviour legislation is also being used to reduce harm, such as Community Protection Warnings (CPW) and Community Protection Notices (CPN).”